September 24, 2008

Songs for Occasions 2: ‘Woke Up Laughing’ – Robert Palmer.

Posted in Songs for Occasions tagged , at 9:32 pm by essentiallyeclectic

Currently the only song that can successfully get me from my flat to the bus stop on the way to work without being skipped in a fit of early morning desperation for a better distraction from the day ahead. Palmer’s vocal enters after a slow intro fade of the jaunty, rolling rhythm, and slowly eases one in to the day, regularly harmonising the title phrase after delivering some simple yet thought-provoking stanzas. By the time the twisting and diving melody of the middle-8 sections arrives the listener is fully entranced, that or they are desperately trying to get to grips with how such complicated instrumentation and rhythms can produce such simple feelings as contentedness. It is a mark of its strength that I can write such corny and clichéd bollocks about a song without detracting from its glory. Enjoy. Preferably in the early morning.

Woke Up Laughing – Robert Palmer